Thursday 18 December 2014

Hair Cut!

I've had a bad year, and I've had long hair for this year. So I decided to get a hair cut. I see it as a way to cut off all the bad luck of this year and start fresh. And I picked an awesome cut to do it with.

I'll have to do maintenance on it probably every other week, but it's just a small area I'll have to keep shaved. And I can do that, for sure.

There's the area I have to keep shaved. I'm at least 70% grey, lol.
This is the long side. My stylist did a light diffuse, giving my hair some nice texture, but I can do anything with it. I can curl it, I can do all sorts of different levels of diffuse, I can straighten it, I can do wet-set curls, I can let it air dry, I can do beachy waves.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Christmas Party

I sort of have a Christmas party with the people at a cross stitch group I go to in Cambridge.

 Since it's Christmas I wanted to dress up a little. Red lips, a little bit of green on my eyes, and curly pigtails. I wanted to do ox horns but my hair wasn't cooperating. Ox horns are two little top knots on the side of your head. Think Sailor Moon!
I like this though, it works for me.

I'm anxious to drive on my own. My friend has surgery yesterday and isn't feeling up to coming with me tonight, so I'll be doing the half hour drive by myself. Multi-lane roads are just freaking me out right now.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Car Accident

A Canada Post mail truck hit me today. Three days of having a new car, and I'm on my way to therapy, and I get hit.

I was in my lane (the left) so that I could turn left at the next street. The mail truck veered into my lane. He claims I went into his lane, and that he was going to be turning right (so...why was he in the centre lane?)

The police officer said he couldn't determine who was at fault, so the insurance will battle it out. However, the person at the car dealership (where my cars repairs are taking place), said that the police will still assign fault. We think it's either going to be the mail guys fault (why was he in the centre when he was turning right? I was in the left turning left), or 50/50.

My car can be fixed, at least, but it might not be until January. My dad is saying he'll get me a rental as my Christmas gift, and my aunt is willing to help with costs. But if the report comes back and I'm not at fault at all, the other insurance should pay for my rental. I don't know all the details yet, I just know something will be figured out. Plus my car might not take that long to fix, it depends on if there is damage to the suspension.

No one was hurt. The air bag didn't even deploy. I'm pretty angry though, obviously.


I'm officially re-registered at school. I start January 5, and my finish date is on or around June 5. That seems quicker than I thought it would be, but I'm not complaining. Summer is a good time to find an apprenticeship, as people are busier and get their hair done more, and many salons have stylists that are going away on vacation, so others have to take up the slack.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Curl Secret by Conair

I had a sort of semi-formal event yesterday and I got dolled up. For me, a full head of curls screams dressed up.

I thought about using a regular curling iron, but I decided to use my Conair Curl Secret.

I got it last year for Christmas, and I still love it. At the time, I just had an inexpensive curling iron, and I failed so hard at using it. I could never wrap my hair right, and the curls would always be weird and squished in some areas.

The Curl Secret is awesome if you're new at curls. You don't really need to think about it. Hair goes in, curl comes out. It really is that simple.

But I wouldn't say it takes less time than a regular curling iron. You still need to section the hair, put product on, and sometimes you need to curl a second time to get the right shape.

Curling the back is very hard, and can be difficult and awkward to hold the machine, as it can be heavy, but curling the back of your own hair is difficult no matter what tool you use.

I slept in these curls, with a ton of tossing and turning, and I could have worn them today with a quick brush (but I washed them out instead. I feel like I'm having a slob day...)

Monday 1 December 2014

Wave Pattern for Diffusing

The exact same technique, the exact same products (save for an additional leave-in conditioner on Vanessa), and three very different results.

I wanted to do a diffuse on each of my mannequins to show the difference the natural wave pattern of hair can make.

There are four main types of wave patterns: Straight, wavy, curly and extremely curly. You can diffuse all but the straight hair. A diffused blow dry doesn't create curl, it enhances curl.

Wave patterns can be changed temporarily by thermal styling and wet-to-dry styling, or until new hair grows out by using perms or relaxers.

Different parts of the scalp can have different wave patterns. My hair from the crown area downwards is more curly, compared to the rest of my hair, which is more wavy.

The first picture has my end results, the other pictures show the hair in its natural wave state.

Vanessa has wavy hair. Her hair just has natural movement, and no true curls. Wavy hair is the most common in my experience.

NP has curly hair. Her hair is also in layers, so it has a lot of body to it. The layers, I find, add a lot of depth to the final result. I really like how NP's hair looks when diffused.

Megan has extremely curly hair. Her hair is the easiest to diffuse, and requires the least amount of product and effort to get a beautiful look. The first time we wet down Megan at school, I wanted to diffuse her hair. This is the type of hair I've always wanted.

Sunday 30 November 2014


I went out last night with Lola for dinner and we were going to see a movie, but her bird had a scare, so I went on my own. Penguins of Madagascar was AWESOME and I recommend it to anyone.

Since I was going out, I wanted to look good, so I did my hair and makeup. Nothing too fancy.
A diffuse blow dry is a way to enhance natural curl. I'm planning on doing a diffuse on all three of my mannequins to show the difference between extremely curly hair, curly hair, and wavy hair.

My hair is between wavy and curly, with some damage towards the ends. So sometimes I get a lot of curl, and sometimes I get a little. Last night I just got a little bit of curl, but I really liked how it turned out.

There is a TON of product in my hair there. I have a curl shampoo from Beyond the Zone (awesome products! They're at Sally Beauty), and a mix of FOUR different finishing products, including two from BtZ, one from a line they carry at my school, KMS, and a Tresemme finishing hairspray.

I went very neutral with my makeup. My foundation was a pressed powder from Pur Minerals, blush and nude eye shadow from MAC, and eyeliner and brow set from Too Faced. I didn't bother with anything on my lips because I knew we were going to have Thai food and I love noodles, which can be a little messy.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Fishtail Braid

I wanted to end my braiding day with something I'm actually good at. It was a bit of a cop-out, because the point of this is to practice things I struggle with. But I wanted to end things on a positive. I've been feeling emotionally crappy all day.

I pretty much picked up the fishtail braid right away. I read how to do it, and then I did it.

French Braid

French braids and I have had a rough relationship since I was little. I tried to learn them when I was a tween, but I couldn't do it. My mom had no idea how to do them, so I basically gave up.

Oh man, they are tricky. I'm improving. I have the technique down. My issue right now for the French braid is neatness.

Visible Braid

I'm not great at braids. I struggle. AS YOU CAN SEE

I tried to do two visible braids. This is the same braid technique that'll be used when I work on cornrows. For school, we have to do a total of 8 of these on a head. And in order to get them signed off and approved, they have to be graded at 70%. I'd give these visible braids...maybe a 50? And I feel like that's being generous.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Blow Dry with Curled Ends

Curled ends. CURLED. ENDS. I hate doing this. It's hard to get the right control.

I like doing my curls with a thermal iron.

But this is another of the Volume blow dries. It's the same technique as the blow dry with shape, but instead of letting the ends flow, you twist the hair around the brush to make a curl. It's hard to get a very tight curl with this technique, and you usually end up with a more beachy wave. Megan's hair has some natural curl to it, so the curls held together better.

The back needs a little help...

Of the three Volume blow dries, this is one I struggle with the most. I'm never quite sure how to style it after. Do I leave it in the tighter curl? Do I brush it out a little?

I left it relatively tight this time, but next time I might brush it out more.

Blow Dry with Straight Ends

I'm a fan of this blow dry. You get some shape to the hair in the volume, but at the same time, you get a sleek and smooth look.

This is my NP mannequin. She doesn't technically have a name, so I've been calling her Nancy Pelosi.

A blow dry with straight ends is where you add volume at the root area, allowing the hair to lift and get the "bubble" shape.

I did a medium amount of volume. The amount of lift you use determines the shape of the hair.

This is the back. As you can see, it just falls into the shape, without anything fancy on the ends.

Of the three Volume blow dries, this is my favorite. I think it's versatile and can be used for a wide variety of styles. This is probably the easiest of the Volume blow dries to do on yourself.

Blow Dry with Shape

My first blow dry on this blog! This mannequin is called Vanessa. She's got the longest hair, so we use her a lot in class. As such, her hair is TERRIBLE. It's so hard to work with. I need to practice more, and try different blow dries on it, because not everyone who comes in for a style by me will have great hair.

So a blow dry with Volume and Shape is a pretty basic blow dry. The goal of it is to add movement to the hair.
The root area is fairly straight. This is where the volume is. The ends then move freely in a directed shape.

I always struggle with this blow dry. I never feel like the ends get enough movement, or the right kind of movement. They seem almost...messy and uncoordinated.

The front has some good volume at the sides, I like how to blows away from the face.
The back, see what I mean by the ends not having anything uniform? I feel like it just isn't quite right.

Monday 24 November 2014


I wake up every morning and I'm just filled with a sense of panic. It's usually about money. The issue is that it's hard to find reliable stats on how much a hair stylist can make, because it's so dependent on location, position, and number of clients.

From what I've gathered, as soon as I'm out of school and become an apprentice, I'll be making $11 an hour. That's minimum wage here. Plus tips. That's about what I expected. Hairstylists usually put in 40 hours at work, but some have more. And if you're good at it, there is a lot of opportunity.

I think if I want exact numbers, I'd have to ask specific salons. 

It's nice that there is flexibility in this industry. I can put in the bare minimum, or I can go above and beyond to get clients. Even as an apprentice, I think I can have some great areas for advancement.

Waking up without the panic attacks would be nice. 

Sunday 23 November 2014


So at school we get practice sheets with all the skills we learn, and we have to complete them in order to get marked. Makes sense.

Since I've just finished Mod 1, I have blow drys, braids, upstyles, and curls. So those are the skills I'll be practicing. These won't be signed off or marked, obviously, but the practice is good.

I think two a day will be good. In school when we have practical days, we're supposed to get five or more signed off a day.

I don't want to lose these skills, so I need to practice. I hope I can improve them too, so I can hammer them out when I'm back in school. Boom, boom, boom.

Especially braids. God, I need to practice braids.

Saturday 22 November 2014

What Am I Doing?

So this is my hair styling blog. I've wanted to start one for a while, but I think this is the right time. My life has been overwhelming. In fact, I'm actually out of school for two months so I can recuperate.

2014 has been a crazy year. Late 2013 we got the news my mom had bladder cancer and that it had spread to her lungs and liver. March 2014, she died. April 2014, my dad started dating. Late July, he told me he was getting married. I called my local hair school, got registered, and by September I was in school after six or so years of being out, I had a drivers license, and I had an apartment.

The start of November, I was burned out. I hadn't had the time to process this year, and I'm the sort of person that needs a lot of time. I'm not ashamed to admit I have mental health issues. I have PTSD, I have Depression, and I have Anxiety. I'm lucky to work with an excellent doctor, and to have a large support system of friends.

I'll be returning to school in January, where I'll be placed right into the second semester, studying hair colour and hair cutting. My school trains us really well, I think. We start with non-permanent changes to the hair in semester 1. This is blow drying, curls, up-styling and braids. Then we move into the more permanent changes, starting with colour (that can sometimes be corrected if we make a mistake) and cutting (which is harder to fix).

I wanted to start a blog to keep track of my progress, especially with up-styling and braiding. I also wanted to blog to just talk about things I'm going through in regards to a career.
I think some part of me is afraid of success, and being able to talk about it is important.

But it's not all serious. Hair is an artform and art is fun!
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